What is the Swing Trader account maximum daily drawdown?

1 min. readlast update: 07.04.2024

The daily drawdown is calculated as 5% of your start-of-day balance for the OriginFx Day Trader Account and Swing Trader Accounts .This calculation must include any floating losses, swaps, and commission rates. This limit will be reset at midnight as per the server time.

Example 1: Starting balance of $100,000,
You trade and secure a profit of +$2,000, bringing your account balance to $102,000.
The following day, your maximum daily loss must now not exceed 5% of that previous day's balance ($102,000 - 5% = $96,900) $5,100 max daily loss.

Day 2 you trade and incur a loss of -$1000 bringing your account balance down to $101,000.
The following day your maximum daily loss must not exceed 5% of that previous days balance ($101,000 - 5% = $95,950) $5,050 max daily loss.

Please note that as OriginFx provides a customizable challenge builder, these percentages are subject to change according to how a trader has customized their account. If you are unaware of your drawdown limits, this information will be available in your trader dashboard.


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