Do you have minimum hold times?

1 min. readlast update: 10.15.2024

Yes, at OriginFx we have a minimum hold time of 2 minutes per trade. We do not allow traders to open and close trades within a 2 minute period.

Therefore, if you open a trade, you must wait 2 minutes before closing this trade. This prevents any short term scalping techniques, which are prohibited.

We understand that there are situations in which traders need to open and close trades in short periods of time due to accidents etc. Therefore, you will only be flagged and given a warning for scalping if more than 30% of your trades break this rule. 

At the point of withdrawal if your account has been flagged for exceeding the 30% threshold, any trades that do not have a duration of 2 minutes or longer will be considered a soft breach and will not be eligible for withdrawal.

Any profit generated from trades under 2 minutes will be removed and any losing trades will remain.

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